My-Time is an ASP (Active Server Pages) application for running an web-based timesheet on your Internet/Intranet web site. It incorporates a databased timesheet system, front end pages for time tracking and project managing, back end pages for updating customers, projects, phases, tasks, department, group and users Details and Archive Manager for archiving your Company's data.
Easy-to-use My-Time Timesheet .
Anyone can fill out their timesheet wherever they are, anywhere in the world, any time of day or night, using a PC or Mac.
Simple, intuitive web timesheet interface: no client software to install, practically no training is required
Perform all administration, time entry, expense entry and generate reports through any web browser
From the main time entry screen, individuals enter time spent
Selects Projects, Phases and Tasks to enter hours
Option for users to choose if a task is billable on their timesheet (with or without comments)
Time can be inputted on a daily, weekly, monthly, yearly basis
Unlimited historical on-line data storage
Multiple groups/departments
Multiple authorization levels: administrator, customer, phases, task and user level
Arhive Manager
List reports grouped by user, customer, project, billable or non-billable time for a specified date range
(De-)activate user, customer, project, department, group.
Online reports: admin and managers can access real-time reports and track project data and employee time data.
The graphic module also lets you Capture statistics on all projects, users, date-time.
Prefill manager
Multi-language display (English, French, German)
IIS and SQL Server or MS Access based
Installation is simple and integrates quickly
Expenses Entry
Easy and fast Expense Tracking
Allows Description to be added to each items
Expense Report
Associate Expense entries with particular projects
Mark expenses as billable, non-billable